You are now entering the world of Titch-Films!

I'm an aspiring screenwriter from London, UK. This is my blog about my career as it progresses in film and television, along with posts which are my musings, reviews, and not so expertly compiled analyses of film and TV. Enjoy.

About Me

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London, Surrey, United Kingdom
I'm a creative and opinionated writer from South-London. I rate Doctor Who, Buffy, individuality and questioning the world around us. I slate back-stabbers, ignorance, traffic jams and chewing gum. I also founded the Free Your Mind mental health anti-stigma campaign.

Thursday 21 October 2010

What a Frightening Sight! Part One.

Halloween is coming, and with it I'm sure 'top ten horror films' lists will be appearing all over the blogosphere. I could do the same, but I won't, I'll save that for another time. Instead, I will use the time leading up to the 31st October to give you a non-discriminate selection of my personal favourites in the horror genre (and they won't all be classics either).

Remember to let me know what  you think of my picks. Are they a trick or a treat?

Candyman (1992)
This film is about Helen Lyle, a student, who decides to write a thesis on the legend of Candyman - a one-armed man with a hook for a hand who appears when you say his name fives times in front of a mirror - as she investigates further and tests the legend, it unfolds in front of her eyes.

Candyman subtlety mixes horror and dark humour. And, to be honest, horror fave Tony Todd is actually rather dashing as the one-armed monster. Also, I find his character rather sympathetic; or is that just me?

The Bride of Chucky (1998)
Why did I pick this one and not Child's Play? Because this film is more fun! Simple.

Chucky (voiced by Brad Dourif) hooks up with an old flame, another homicidal doll, and they go about trying to return to human form.

Not very serious, not very scary. Very, very funny.

Let the Right One In (2008)
Completely different kind of pick from the previous two.

Set in the Stockholm suburb of Blackeberg, 1982, Let the Right One In is about Oskar, a 12-year old boy who gets bullied at school, he meets and falls in love with Eli who harbours the dark secret that she's a vampire.

The film is dark and romantic, and beautiful in many ways. A must see!

The Lost Boys (1987)
Whether you like to admit it or not (and some don't), The Lost Boys has become a classic. Vampires, cool soundtrack, motorbikes; what more could you want?

Really, this film needs no explanation. So if you haven't already seen The Lost Boys (where have you been?), I say, do it now! Or, whenever you have 97 minutes to kill...

From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
I'm on a bit of a vampire theme here, but let me just roll with it.

Two criminal brothers (played by George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino) kidnap a family and their camper van in order to get across the border to Mexico, and to a bar called the 'Titty Twister'.

When they reach the bar, they soon realize they have unknowingly walked into a vampire lair.

Directed by Robert Rodriguez, From Dusk Till Dawn flawlessly goes from crime to horror without completely throwing the audience off course.

Well, that's all for now. But be back, part two is coming soon!
Nicola E.

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